The study aimed to provide valuable insights for the future work of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee) in improving the situation of the Roma minority throughout the EU and addressing anti-Gypsyism. It had two main objectives. The first objective was to evaluate the achievements and difficulties encountered in implementing the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 at the national level. The study sought to assess its successes and challenges. The second objective was to explore possibilities for expanding the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies beyond 2020. Specifically, the study examined the feasibility of implementing an EU Truth and Reconciliation process and the potential for linking it with the proposed EU Rule of Law mechanism. It also aimed to involve new approaches and actors in the fight against anti-Gypsyism. One of the primary challenges identified in the EU Framework for NRIS was its underlying premise or foundation. It addressed the situation of the Roma as an “integration” challenge to be addressed through socio-economic policies rather than recognizing the historically-rooted issue of “anti-Gypsyism” that should be tackled through Rule of Law measures and transitional justice. The study emphasized the importance of Roma civic and political participation as a crucial element in developing and securing ownership of transitional justice and fostering an organic approach to a potential truth and reconciliation process addressing anti-Gypsyism in the EU.
The study conducted interviews with key policymakers and representatives from civil society organizations, focusing on the Slovak case, in order to prepare the report. The goal was to contribute to a better understanding of the issues and provide valuable insights for future actions.