Following the ongoing war in Ukraine and having received calls and messages from our colleagues from across the world asking how they could support their Ukrainian colleagues, we followed the SAR current public statement and started collecting and monitoring support activities and initiatives organized by our members in the SAR Section Slovakia.
In these trying times, our academic institutions recognize the importance of using our professional knowledge to assist victims and promote peace. As a part of our SAR Section, Matej Bel University along with UPJŠ Košice and UCM Trnava recognise the alarming impact of this situation and have implemented numerous measures to support those in need.
- Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Matej Bel University has prepared a support scheme for international researchers from Ukrainian higher education institutions and along with additional support, all its Ukrainian students are eligible for a one-time scholarship of 200 euros.
More information:
- Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach UPJŠ Košice supports affected families by this crisis by offering them accommodation in their student dormitories. The university also offers financial and psychological support to its Ukrainian students.
More information:
- UCM Trnava has implemented a variety of measures to assist its students, including psychological support and financial assistance in the form of special scholarships and fee remission.
More information:
If you know some Ukrainians or you come from Ukraine, you can also get a 6 months paid internship and BPI will host you. See more:
If you are an entrepreneur willing to host some Ukrainians, register on this website: