One of our newest Erasmus+ projects, FINITE has just begun!
The first event of the project was a kick off meeting, where our colleagues had a chance to meet with the partner organisations from Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Lithuania and Romania. They spent two days discussing and finalising the project topics, that will walk around the topic of insecurities among younger generations. The meeting beyond very successful, we are very proud that we managed to put together a team of great people, with a lot of experience an dedication to implement this project.
The main objectives of the FINITE project are
⭕ to provide young people with opportunities
⭕ to engage and learn to participate in the process of rebranding and challenging the insecurities among their generation
⭕ to raise awareness about insecurity as a crucial topic that needs to be addressed, discussed
⭕ to develop pathways, tools and ways how to fight this “specific generation disease”; bring together young people and all relevant policy makers who have direct impact on the EU Youth Dialogue content and strategies.
The selected young people will have the opportunity to learn about and explore the different aspects of insecurity, which has become one of the biggest challenges the upcoming societies have to face. The participants from different countries will have online lectures on a monthly basis about the main aspects of insecurities, and will have the chance and the platform to discuss it with their peers in a safe environment. FINITE has a problem-based approach; which means that the participants will have to identify a problem they face, and in a created scenario they will have to search for a way to tackle it.
At the final event of the project in Slovakia, the participants will meet face to face to finish and present the created scenarios. During this week they will meet each other among with the invited stakeholders, which will give them an opportunity to make their voices heard, and to make an impact on a legislatory level.
If you feel interested in participating in this project, do not hesitate to contact us!