Looking Back on Gaming in the Classroom: A Lively Debate
Earlier this month, an insightful panel tackled the question of whether video games belong in the classroom. Ingrid Borárosová (BPI), Jakub Žaludko (Impact Games), Tomáš Kriššák and Rastislav Očenáš shared perspectives on the potential benefits and drawbacks of using games for educational purposes.
The panelists found common ground in acknowledging that games, including computer games, can be more than just entertainment. When applied thoughtfully, games offer engaging ways to connect with youth, teach digital skills, introduce programming basics, communicate complex topics, build critical thinking and encourage active citizenship. However, the educational value depends heavily on the nature of the game and how it is incorporated.
Attendees left with broader views on the nuances of games and learning. We thank the insightful panelists and engaged audience for a terrific discussion!
The debate was part of the Batmen and Rayuela projects, financed by the European Union. Although the event is now in the rearview mirror, the intriguing issues it raised continue to resonate. Gaming’s role in education remains a complex issue ripe for ongoing conversation.