Which way will be Bratislava going after November municipial elections? What are the priorities of the candidates? And what are their possibilities to fullfil their promises? What can be done next with the city considered to be poor city of the rich people? The invitation for Evening of Michal Vašečka was accepted by candidates for future Bratislava mayor Václav Mika, Ján Mrva, Ivo Nesrovnal and Matúš Vallo. The discussion is organized witht he support of Bratislava Old Town and Denník N.
Ako by malo vyzerať hlavné mesto za najbližších 10 rokov?
Čo by malo Bratislavu spájať a nie rozdeľovať pri progrese?
Čo všetko je nevyhnutné spraviť preto, aby Bratislava bola moderným mestom 21. storočia?
A akú úlohu v tom zohráva nový primátor?