The Republikon Institute, supported by the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit, is organizing a conference to discuss the state of liberal voters in the CEE region.
In the first panel discussion, experts from the V4 countries will present the results of their latest research on the state of liberalism and liberal voters in their countries. We are curious to see what people think of liberalism and how parties could address liberal voters more effectively in this region. In the second panel, we would like to discuss with liberal politicians and philosophers from Hungary what it means to be a liberal in Hungary, what this meant 30 years ago, and what liberalism could do in an illiberal state.
10:00: Opening Speech
- Andrea Virág, Director of strategy, Republikon
10:10: Liberal voters in the V4 countries
Presentations with a roundtable discussion
- Blazej Lenkowski, President, Fundacja Liberté! (PL)
- Sarka Prat, President, Institute for Politics and Society (CZ)
- Andrea Virág, Director of strategy, Republikon (HU)
- Viera Zuborova, President, Bratislava Policy Institute (SK)
Moderator: Dániel Mikecz, Republikon
11:45: Break
12:00: The state of liberalism in Hungary
Roundtable discussion
- Anna Donáth, MEP, Momentum Mozgalom (RE)
- Bálint Magyar, Founding member, The Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ)
- Krisztián Nyáry, writer, creative director, Líra
Moderator: Gábor Horn, Republikon