Academic freedom is of such an importance that it shall not be left on the shoulders of the academics to fight for it. And the reason for it is not only the fruitful environment which enriches social discourse at the universities. Academic freedom is creating a space for innovations, gaining knowledge, increasing the general and analytical knowledge of our future leaders of the country. Academic freedom however does not mean we can do whatever we want. Academic freedom is bringing together duty such as responsibility towards the future generations, educating the intellectual elites of the nations. It also bears the obligation of creating moral and ethical barriers within the community and society.
Academic freedom and universities used to be separate from the power, especially the political to protect their autonomy. But where are we standing today? What is the situation like in Slovakia? Can we have a discussion entailing all the virtues that come along with the academic freedom? Are we capable to reinforce it? Or are we going to let it be and live its own life, leave it to the mercy of the people?