political campaigns

The noose around Fico’s neck tightens. Kiska’s political party will be for conservatives as well

Political scientist Viera Žúborová assesses the election, the future of Robert Fico and Smer-SD, as well as the prospects of Andrej Kiska’s political party...

Political scientist: Political party Smer found their scapegoat

Smer found their scapegoat. They aim to prevent Kiska from participating in politics. https://tv.hnonline.sk/kategorie/politika/41c7f679-c45e-443d-85f8-85df362d36cb/politologicka-smer-si-nasiel-obetneho-baranka-chce-zabranit-kiskovi-aby-zvazoval-vstup-do-politiky?fbclid=IwAR0U1NJmG1ThyBpGy3eMEEEteoCgrDxsUiyEjSo2ZOSRZxpmgxRb3_909_8

Kiska will not found a political party but rather join an existing one, claims an expert

Political analyst Viera Žúborová has answered our questions regarding the political future of President Andrej Kiska. Which political parties might lose their voters on...
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