The project aims to promote active youth participation and peacemaking through youth work. It begins by developing the competencies of youth professionals, such as youth workers, trainers, and mentors of ESC volunteers. In today’s world, conflicts and human rights crises have become increasingly prevalent. Achieving sustainable peace and security requires fulfilling all human rights. Given the current global risks to peace, there is a need for peace education and equipping youth workers with skills in peacebuilding, conflict prevention, and peaceful conflict resolution. These skills can then be transferred to young people in a sustainable and non-formal manner. The main objective of the project is to empower youth workers through tailored mentoring and education, enabling their active participation in an action group. The project will connect vulnerable youth with institutions, foster mutual understanding, and encourage their collaboration in civic activities. It will also promote opportunities for young citizens, such as Discover EU, Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. By highlighting the positive effects of cross-sector collaborations and their contribution to fostering solidarity, the project aims to disseminate these benefits widely.
Project Coordinator
- Research for mapping peace education in the youth field in each country, in order to understand the reality and differences between inclusive societies
- Digital Training Platform
- Youth Strategy for Peace and Solidarity in the EU
- The training on basic trainer skills, attitudes, competencies
- The training focused on Designing a collection of peace education activities for children and young people
- Publicity Campaign to enfоrce the European cooperation between оrganizatiоns active in the yоuth field promoting peace and solidarity
- Bratislava Policy Institute (Slovakia)
- ASOCIATIA A.S.E.L. (Romania)
- Future WE (Ukraine)