In the era of fake news and disinformation, their impact and reach are stronger than ever before, affecting electoral turnouts and the future of societies. These harmful narratives thrive on stereotypes, prejudices, and the values of online users, making them challenging to combat as they spread independently and unnoticed. The Visegrad countries are not immune to this phenomenon, requiring stronger cooperation to safeguard the proper functioning of political systems and societies. Fake news and disinformation have become powerful weapons for extremists, foreign forces, and third parties seeking to influence regions, countries, or international organizations. These negative messages are also driving societal polarization and a growing distrust in mainstream politics and media.
The project’s main goal is to understand the emergence and influence of social bubbles in the online sphere. We will examine the distinction between filter bubbles and echo chambers, which are subjects of increasing research on social impact and fake news. Our focus will be on these complex online environments, which pose challenges even within the professional community.