The main objective of the ComAnCE project (REC-AG-2018/REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2018) was to produce and present a clear categorization, types, and indicators of antisemitic hate speech/hate crime in Central Europe (V4). The project aimed to create a profile of consumers and distributors of such hate speech/crimes, focusing on discrimination and hate crime. To achieve this objective, an online survey was conducted in project countries, and online content analyses of anti-Semitic hate speech/hate crime in media outlets, particularly social media, were performed. The resulting scientific database served as a foundation for developing a customized training program on combating antisemitic hate speech/hate crimes for state authorities, police forces, and NGOs, specifically addressing the localization and curbing of manifestations of antisemitic hate speech/crime in the V4 region. The impact of this type of hate speech, which is no longer solely directed towards Jews and is prevalent online, has significantly influenced the position of radicals and extremists within the system. The project benefited all research fellows from Central European countries focusing on various forms of hatred, as well as relevant stakeholders, policy makers, and victims of anti-Semitic hate speech/hate crime.
The project took place from July 2019 to June 2021. The main outcomes of the project were increased capacity among state authorities, police forces, and NGOs to combat anti-Semitic hate speech and hate crime, achieved through the establishment of an online database and training programs. This also led to strengthened cooperation between national authorities, key stakeholders, and NGOs. The research results and customized training programs developed during the project aimed to curb the manifestation of anti-Semitic hate speech and crime.
The project management and coordination (WP1) included the creation of an internal website as a repository for relevant project information, the development of a scientific coordination plan, and regular deliverables reporting on project results and task schedules.
The instrumental theoretical framework (WP2) focused on developing final versions of questionnaires and methodological tools, conducting a comprehensive report on the past and current situation of anti-Semitism in selected countries, and providing a prognosis for future development.
The administration of the survey and content media analyses (WP3) involved collecting and preparing the SPSS-ready raw data set from surveys, producing a report on public opinion in the V4 region regarding values and attitudes towards anti-Semitic hate speech, and conducting a media content analysis report on current trends in online anti-Semitic hate speech.
Data management and the design of the database categorization and customized training program (WP4) resulted in the creation of the main data set, a national report on media content, an online database, and a customized training program.
The dissemination, policy recommendation, and explanation of data (WP5) focused on developing a final exploitation plan, policy briefs, and maintaining a project website to ensure wide dissemination and utilization of project findings.