The European way of life promotes integration and inclusion, ensuring equal opportunities and rights for all individuals regardless of their background. This is based on the European Pillar of Social Rights and values enshrined in the EU Treaties and Charter of Fundamental Rights, such as democracy, the rule of law, and non-discrimination. The BRICS project aims to enhance social inclusion for immigrants by improving their competencies and fostering joint initiatives. It addresses the diverse policies and inclusion resources across the consortium countries. Recognizing migration as a part of European history, the project emphasizes social integration as a multidirectional process of creating a new common ground for coexistence. BRICS seeks to invest in this goal and promote sustainable outcomes, advocating for necessary changes and adaptations in public services, housing, employment, and education programs to meet the needs of immigrants.
BPI organized the multiplier event under the well-known brand Večer Michala Vašečku focusing on the explanation of the project; the project aims, future activities, and possible networking. The target group was mainly interested in results from R1 and R2 and the possibility of using them in their further work not only with the migrants but also with the other vulnerable groups. The meeting was organized through a discussion with two experts and a later project presentation.